People experience unwanted consequences in life…

People have unfulfilled wishes…

People encounter many uneasy situations to cope…

According to some of the latest statistics…

  • 98% of people live their whole lives without fulfilling their dreams (Wealth Research Group 2016)
  • 40% of adults in the US either avoid or do not know how to deal with stressful situations (Statista 2018)
  • 85% of Americans hate their jobs (Results of a Sept, 2017 Gallup Poll)
  • 1 in 10 Americans say they feel lonely or isolated from those around them all or most of the time and 30% reported feeling dissatisfied with their family and social lives (Pew Research Center Survey Results)
  • Just over half of 18- to 34-year-olds have no steady partner in the US (General Society Survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago-cited in Washington Post 2019 article)

The results you see above are mixed and do not reveal much information about the power of any sort of intervention (be it therapy, counseling or coaching) to help people prevent, manifest or cope especially in the long-term…

Awareness needs to be an ongoing pursuit rather than a weekly or an intermittent personal activity mainly because there is so much to life that requires more than an “on and off” type of mental exercise. First and foremost, awareness needs to be cultivated many times during the day through many types of learning and practice modalities that taps into our minds, bodies and souls.

So where this all leads us…

Throughout my career as a psychologist, a college professor, a consultant, a researcher and an entrepreneur for the last 20 years, I’ve been working on the concept and practice of awareness at personal, educational, professional and at scientific levels. And during that time of study and years of practice, I have come to draw some important conclusions I will share with you here. Let me start out by simply saying this: Awareness is in fact a very useful tool if you know how to use it. If you do not know how to use it, here’s what happens: You spend time and maybe some money to achieve more awareness and it becomes an end in itself. You are more aware of your feelings, your thoughts, your actions but you do not know what to do with this kind of knowledge. This is like knowing the exact ingredients of each food recipe but not knowing how to cook the food itself.

Similarly, in any kind of change practice, be it a therapy, a coaching or a counseling service, just increasing awareness on the issue through inner journey and further understanding of why and how something occurs is never enough. It is of critical importance to identify your awareness blocks that gets in the way of your personal transformation and thus reaching your life goals in the areas of relationship, career, health, financial abundance…etc.

And finally, once awareness blocks are out in the open, it is good to have some educational source, be it a course, a workshop, a coaching session, or a combination of those that helps you find out about related awareness tips so you can put your awareness into action to change your life especially in the direction that you’d like.

Now, to start using awareness as a tool, please click on the subscription link below (FREE) and download the FREE PDF to start using awareness as a tool in 3 basic steps and to receive your monthly awareness toolbox that gives you actionable awareness tools towards achieving your prevention-manifestation-coping goals.


With this subscription FREE of charge, you will also have a chance to receive useful clues as to what your awareness block might be related to a certain goal, while you will also be provided with related awareness tips so that you can put your awareness into action.


With this subscription FREE of charge, you will also be given access to our Q&A function which allows you to send and receive instant messages about your specific goal. By the help of this tool, you will have a chance to receive useful clues as to what your awareness block might be related to a certain goal, while you will also be provided with related awareness tips so that you can put your awareness into action.


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